Friday, February 6, 2015

Journal, a story of...

The Physical Space of Science: The Neurosciences Institute and Skirkanich Hall
Tod Williams & Billie Tsien

Three things that I found interesting about this article: 

  1. The auditorium is designed to amplify sound. It is actually used frequently for concerts of outdoor groups.
  2. Some of the windows in the building are designed to let light in but at the same time maintain privacy. This is due to the slightly upward angle of the windows.
  3. The courtyard is designed to incorporate the outdoor and indoor space. This is because the architects wanted to also implement the nice weather of San Diego. 

What do people say? 

I actually have a friend who has visited the site. My roommate, Elias,  a neuroscience major, has visited the space during a vacation with his family. Due to his interest, he mentioned it to be a "cool building because of the way there are multiple layers and the modern architecture". 
He also continued by saying, "If you like modern architecture, I recommend going to this place because it definitely modern and also is close to the beach". 
From his statements I can conclude that this building is something of interest to him and is something that is worth visiting. However, I do think his passion for neuroscience also influenced his judgment. (But hey, that's what its all about) 

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